Visual artist, performer and dancer, Mathias Bensimon was born in Paris in 1996. A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Mathias Bensimon is an artist who places light at the heart of his work. Specializing in the creation of large-format paintings, Mathias Bensimon produced a monumental fresco in 2020 for the headquarters of Altarea Cogedim in Paris, designed by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte. In 2023, He presents his first solo exhibition at the Loft Gallery on the occasion of the realization of a fresco of 21 meters long in the interior garden of the Ministry of Culture.


Sans titre Sans titreMathias Bensimon

Sans titre 3 Sans titre 3Mathias Bensimon


“What interests me in the field and the extent of painting is the material. Matter as substance, intelligence and revealer.
Matter enchants, reveals, invokes. The magic that it reveals is my inspiration and my aspiration. In my work, most of what happens comes from listening.
By paying attention to the movement of life, to the movement that is the experience of feeling. It is born and arises from shapes, colors.
My intention is that by giving form to these intuitions, creating an affective atmosphere, an ambient tone in a space, we can open our sensitivity to an understanding that is of the order of the formidable.”

A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Mathias Bensimon is an artist who places light at the heart of his work. Light as a medium and substance, but also light as revealing intelligence. Like a testimony to the different manifestations of reality, light can appear to us in a multitude of forms and reflections and then raises the question of the visible and of the unseen.

Thus, Mathias Bensimon tirelessly researches and explores new light experiences through unique gestures and color combinations in contemporary art. During these five years at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, he was able to confront the reality of the material, by learning from recognized teachers and iconic craftsmen and by participating in numerous projects around the world.

A lover of distant travels, he has traveled the world to find new ways of creating, thinking, dancing and meditating in order to perpetually enrich his artistic approach. Sometimes going back to the sources of creation, when artistic expression was closely linked to magic and spirituality, he confronts these thin, almost mystical borders between the worlds that still exist today in several parts of the globe.

During his training, this contemporary artist had the opportunity to join the studio of Ann Veronica Janssens, a famous visual artist, with whom he was able to probe the relationship between art, experimentation, and perceptions through knowing the passionate about lights and transparency effects. Then in the studio of the painter Wernher Bouwens, he was able to focus more specifically on color, printing and installation, one of the pillars of his work. Finally, it is by working with contemporary dancer and choreographer Emmanuelle Huynh that the artist was able to deepen her understanding of the relationship between the body and space, in order to obtain in her practice of contemporary painting a true symbiosis between light, space, dance, music and color. On light panels or during the development of monumental frescoes, Mathias Bensimon perfectly captures the vibrations of the place to sublimate it through his mastery of painting.

In October 2022, the artist exhibits at Paulin Paulin & Paulin alongside Anish Kapoor, Ann Veronica Janssens, Lita Albuquerque and James Turrell. Then in 2023, the projects multiply. Mathias Bensimon exhibits at the Town Hall of the 10th, under the aegis of Studio ARTERA during an immersive performance around dance, singing, painting and music. He also participated in the Musée d’Orsay as part of the “Pastels” exhibition, at the Galleria Continua and the Ghost Gallery in Paris and produced a 52m2 fresco on the occasion of the inauguration of the Bally Foundation in Lugano, in Switzerland before taking part in the “À Première vue” event in two galleries on rue des Beaux-Arts, La Galerie Flak and Galerie LOFT.

Specializing in the creation of large-format paintings, Mathias Bensimon produced a monumental fresco in 2020 for the headquarters of Altarea Cogedim in Paris, designed by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte. In 2023, He presents his first solo exhibition at the Loft Gallery on the occasion of the realization of a fresco of 21 meters long in the interior garden of the Ministry of Culture.



Fresco "Clear River that Will Adorn the Atrium", Nagoya City University Hospital, Nagoya, Japan
Performance, Hasedera Temple, Nara, Japan

Creation of a 21-meter-long fresco in the inner garden of the Ministry of Culture, Paris, France

Frescos for the new headquarters of Altarea Cogedim, designed by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, France
Creation of 4 stained glass windows, a 40m² mural, and a mosaic for the restoration and design of the new Eisenhower Hotel, Reims, France

Collective creation of a 37-meter mural for the new entrance of the School of Fine Arts with the Boumens workshop, Beaux-Arts de Paris
Photographic installation and projected films in the desert, Cerro Paranal Observatory, Chile (Ann Veronica Janssens’ workshop)

Creation of a painting in collaboration with monk Ryuji Iwata and violinist Azusa Minamino, Hasedera Temple, Kamakura, Japan

Solo Exhibitions

Fondation CAB, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
An Artist Traveling in Light, Galerie Miyawaki, Kyoto, Japan

Cosmic Garden, Galerie Loft, Paris, France
Nouveau(x) Regard(s), a joint exhibition by Mathias Bensimon and the Altair collective, organized in collaboration with the 10th arrondissement City Hall, Paris, France (immersive performance combining dance, singing, painting, and music)

Métempsychose, Beaux-Arts de Paris, France

Solo exhibition of monotypes on the theme of light and aurora phenomena, Galerie Albin Upp, Oslo, Norway
Solo exhibition and installation of stained glass artworks, Villa Consulaire, Liège, Belgium

Group Exhibitions

Invisible Presences, Galerie Loft, Paris, France
Blue / Orange, Galerie Loft, Paris, France

Pastels: From Millet to Redon, Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France
Immersive fresco (52m²), part of An Unknown Lake, inaugural exhibition of the Bally Foundation, Lugano, Switzerland
Micro Macro, Galleria Continua, Paris, France
EPODE: Ana Monso & Mathias Bensimon, Ghost Gallery, Paris, France

California Light & Space & Beyond, CHEZ PAULIN, PAULIN, PAULIN, Paris, France

Project for the Dior Prize, Château de la Colle Noire, France

Lotus Art Project, charity exhibition in partnership with the Rock Papers Scissors Foundation, Museum of Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Group exhibition of wood engravings with the Bouwens workshop and two monumental canvases created collaboratively between the columns of the museum, Museu Arqueológico do Carmo, Lisbon, Portugal

Musashino Museum, Japan
Group exhibition Spirit—Are You There?, Design Festa Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan