Exhibition with Liên Hoàng-Xuân at the Beaux-Arts de Paris
From 24 April to 30 June 2024
Beaux-Arts de Paris, 14 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris
Liên Hoàng-Xuân takes part in this collective exhibition autohistorias, inspired by Gloria Anzaldúa, a theoretician, activist, feminist chicana poet, and organized by students and commissioners of the « Artistes & Métiers de l’exposition » course.
autohistorias gathered a group of artists that, from the 15th to the 21st century, used their personal stories to build a collective story in order to set everyone free from the historical and political dominant speeches.
“If I don’t have access to the truth, I’ll invent it, I’ll tell myself, preferring my fictions to the lies and truths that others fabricate for me, about me”. (Gloria Anzaldúa, Ethnic Autohistorias-teorías: Writing the History of the Subject).
Works of Liên Hoàng-Xuân :
Haïku n°1
Sometimes it feels like
my heart is a haunted castle
in the desert
in every room there is a man
some are louder than others
Curated by :
Skye Arundhati Thomas, Tadeo Kohan, Louise Nicolas de Lamballerie (curators in residence)
Mélanie Bouteloup and Armelle Pradalier (co-directors of the “Artists & Exhibition Professions” program)
Scientific advisor for the Beaux-Arts de Paris collections: Giulia Longo, Curator of Prints and Photographs
Artist info