Liên Hoàng-Xuân lauréate de la Résidence Fabrique de la Fondation Fiminco

Liên Hoàng-Xuân is one of the laureates of the Fabrique 2024/2025 Residence of the Fiminco Foundation. Ludovic Delalande, exhibition curator, will accompany the artists throughout this 11-month residency. The Residence welcomes “artists of all nationalities to allow them to develop their work and research”.

Located in Romainville, this residency aims to support the artists in residence and their creative process throughout this period. This former reinvested industrial wasteland is designed as a meeting place between residents and different forms of art. The end of residency exhibition is planned for April 2025.

Artist info

Liên Hoàng-Xuân © Ali Arkady

Liên Hoàng-Xuân